Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Changes Coming In 2013!

Healthy Start Academy is excited to announce new changes in our child nutrition program in the new year.  First, the implementation of our automated lunch system.  Students will be issued a 4-digit PIN number.  These numbers will be mailed to each household beginning the week of December 3.  Parents, please encourage your student to learn and memorize their number as it will be used for identification during breakfast and lunch service.  Second, Healthy Start Academy is pleased to announce our menus have been submitted to the State office for certification.  This means after a thorough review by state/federal child nutrition staff, our menus, once approved will meet the federal meal pattern of the National School Breakfast and Lunch programs.  We have worked extremely hard and expended many hours to research and coordinate recipes that are both in high nutritional value as well as tasteful and satisfying.  We are excited about this pending certification and will keep you updated as information is provided to us. 

In accordance with our local wellness policy, the Academy will also become a "Fast Food Free Zone" in the new year. All school-aged children need healthy well balanced meals.  Research has shown that children who consume fast food on a regular basis are at high risk of becoming obese.  Fast foods contains high fat, high sugar and more carbohydrates. Fast food is deficient in fiber and other nutrients growing children need to maintain healthy bodies.  Did you know although, inexpensive, fast food has little to no nutritional value (empty calories)?  That's why in the new year (2013), the Academy will adopt a "No Fast Food" policy.  Stay tuned for more information to come.

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