One of the biggest challenges with getting your child to read is finding a plot or story line that will interest them and get them excited to pick up a book. Below are websites that should make the decision process a little easier.
The Book Seer is a website that allows you to type in the most recent book you have read (or one of your child's all time favorite's) and get recommendations as to what you should read next.
Which Book lets you click on adjectives that describe what you want to read next. For example, you can click on "funny" or "serious", "happy" or "sad", etc. After you have picked what your ideal book would be you can narrow the list even more by defining your ideal characters, plot and setting. This is a straight forward tool that gets the heart of what you want in a book- how could you or your child not love the story it recommends?
A website specifically for teenagers, Teen Nick has put together a quiz that recommends books to young adults based on their personality and attributes. It asks questions such as "How would you describe yourself", and "What does your wardrobe basically consist of?". The quiz will make finding the next read entertaining and fun for your child. *note: this quiz is for females only (the question "Which of the following hotties would you fall in love with?" may drive away your son... :) )
Happy book finding!