Monday, May 14, 2012

Test Taking Techniques

End-of-Grade testing begins tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Help your child feel confident and prepared during the test with the following tips:
  • Read the directions.  Usually the teacher will read and explain the test directions with the class. If she doesn’t, remind your child to read the directions and remember to ask for clarification if he doesn’t understand them.
  • Skim the test quickly. This test taking strategy is much overlooked by students. Many times when the student completes the short, easier sections of the test he gains more confidence. He then can continue the test with less pressure. By skimming over the test your child will know what to expect and can pace himself a little better for a longer or written essay section of the test.
  • Skip Hard Questions.  Tell you youngster not to be afraid to skip a question on the test. It is better for your young one to skip a question that he’s unfamiliar with or one that is too hard than wasting time on it. His score will be better if he completes accurately the items that he’s most familiar within the time limit of the test. If there’s time the student can always come back to try the harder questions towards the end of the test.
  • Check over work.  Remind your child to make sure that he didn’t skip any part of the test. This happens often. When the test is turned in to the teacher it’s a little too late to make corrections or complete missed sections. If there’s time, check over for correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. In a math test, always check the signs (operation of the problem) and note careless mistakes such as adding instead of subtracting can lower the test grade substantially.
Good luck, everyone!


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