Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Green Is Universal

No matter who you are. Young or Old. Big or Small. You can make an impact on the environment. This week is Earth Week, which concludes with Earth Day on Sunday, April 22.  While we here agree, everyday is earth day, we appreciate that this week allows people to take time out of their schedules to focus on different things we all can do to help our world.

Here are today's simple tips to REDUCE, REUSE, and RECYCLE!

Buy products with less packaging.  Take your children shopping with you and show them two items (different brands of course!), and compare the packaging used for each brand.  Choose the item with the least amount of packaging and explain to them how they've just helped save the earth!

Want your kids to drink more water? A cool refillable water bottle should do the trick.  Bobble makes a very inexpensive bottle that filters water every time you use it.  Now you've got kids drinking clean water, living healthier, and doing their part to reduce plastic waste.

If you don't have one already, label a second garbage can in your home for recyclables.  Attach a sheet of paper showing your child what is and isn't recyclable, and let them decide what can and cannot go into the bin.  Once full, take your child to your local recycling center.  They'll feel accomplished seeing their positive impact first hand.

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