Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Week Seven "Ten Minute Truths"

With school just a week away, there isn't much time left for you child to complete their workbooks, and enjoy the last few fleeting days of summer. If your child tends to procrastinate, divvy up what's left of their workbook exercises and help them create a plan to finish it on time. The truth is, every child that completes their workbook in its entirety, and brings it on the first day of school, will receive a $25 Wal-Mart or Target giftcard. Don't let your child miss out !!

Whether your child is starting Kindergarten, or entering the eighth grade, this week's truth is focused not only on completing the workbook, but also ensuring they understand what they've learned. Take ten minutes each day to review areas of the workbook that your child struggled with and have them redo problem exercises. Work through each problem with them to help them retain information, and give them recognition when they are able to complete exercises they had trouble completing before. Another truth? Positive recognition and reinforcement will help your child want to continue to learn. MyChildEducation.com is a helpful resource to give tips on how positive reinforcement improves learning abilities and helps build self-confidence within your child.

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