Thursday, December 19, 2013

Attention 3rd grade and 8th grade parents: Next Steps Information Night set for January 14

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m., the Academy will host a parent meeting, “Next Steps Information Night.” These meetings will present some very valuable information for 3rd and 8th grade parents and students. We ask you to make every effort to attend.

For 3rd Grade: 

Third grade parents and students will learn about academic assessments and testing standards associated with 3rd grade, particularly the Read to Achieve Act (RTAA). This session will cover important offerings such as the Common Core standards, NC EOG Reading Test for 3rd grade, and the RTA 3rd grade student reading portfolio. The purpose of this event is to inform parents of the standards and requirements of 3rd grade and the importance of reading.

For 8th Grade: 

Eighth grade parents and students will learn about the importance of being prepared for high school. Moving up to high school is a major milestone in a student’s education path. We want our students and parents to be prepared to meet this challenge successfully. This session will cover high school programs of study, high school expectations, and high school athletics. Joining us will be Mrs. Chandra Clay, Assistant Principal at Riverside High School and Coach Bob Hill, Athletic Director at Hillside High School. Eighth grade parents will also have the opportunity to apply on-line to magnet/specialty high schools using the Academy’s computers.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

22 students inducted into Promoting Leaders of Tomorrow

Healthy Start Academy inducted 22 middle school students into the Promoting Leaders of Tomorrow (PLOT) organization. 

This organization is designed to equip youth with skills needed to become leaders, learn the roles of community leaders, and develop the desire to become community leaders. PLOT also assists youth in accepting ambiguity and diversity of community life.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Congratulations to our Teacher and Student of the Month for December!

Congratulations, Ms. Aveni Patel

Ms. Aveni Patel is in her second year of teaching at Healthy Start Academy. Ms. Patel is a Teach for America Corps Member and currently teaches 1st grade. Ms. Patel is from Virginia and attended the University of Virginia graduating with a bachelor’s in Psychology. Ms. Patel has traveled abroad and in her spare time loves to travel, play tennis and run. We might add, Ms. Patel is an awesome baker!

Congratulations, Andre Evans Jr.

Andre Evans Jr. is a very caring, special and understanding young man. Andre has made a great deal of growth since starting kindergarten. He has started coming out of his shell by going around the school to meet teachers/staff, run errands, and being very helpful. In the classroom, Andre participates in all activities and appears to enjoy all the lessons taught.