Thursday, May 30, 2013

Clothing Give-Away for Parents this Saturday, June 1

On Saturday, June 1 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon, the Academy will host a clothing and shoe give away for all parents and guardians. Gently used and new clothing (all sizes) and shoes (all sizes) have been donated to the school. 

We are opening our doors to any HSA parent/guardian who wants to participate. Each currently enrolled student will receive one bag to fill with items of their choosing (we want to make sure everyone is able to get something). 

We hope to see everyone there!

[image via:]

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Join Us At The 44th Annual Bimbé Festival!

The Academy will participate in the 44th Annual Bimbé Festival this Saturday! If you attend the Bimbé Festival, make sure you stop by our booth.

When: Saturday, May 18, 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Where: CCB Plaza (downtown Durham, 201 N. Corcoran St.

What To Expect: The Bimbé Cultural Arts Festival has been a tradition in Durham for over 40 years. This family oriented event is a celebration of African and African American history, culture, art and traditions.

Participants enjoy live national and local talent, ethnic food, arts and crafts, an interactive kid's area, and community resources. There will also be a host of weekday events planned. Come prepared to embrace the rich, diverse and unique traditions of the City of Durham.

For More Information: Please visit []

Hope to see everyone there!

[image via:]

Friday, May 3, 2013

May 6-10 is National Teachers' Appreciation Week!

Celebrate your child's Teacher....Next week, May 6-10 is National Teachers' Appreciation Week! 

Teachers' Appreciation Week is a time set aside for the nation to honor its and women who make a difference in the lives of children.  Healthy Start Academy will join in this celebration and we're asking all parents/guardians to help us.

It's our way of saying "THANK YOU" for all teachers do!  Help show your child's teacher that you appreciate them and the hard work they dedicate to the educational success of our students.